My name is Corey Schue and I am an IT Professional with a passion for history and genealogy. I currently live in Germany, and have lived around the world, honing my technical skills and advancing my career. My passion for technology began in high school, where I was fortunate enough to have an amazing 2-year course in my junior and senior years that taught server and networking fundamentals, along with Cisco CCNA coursework. Ever since then, I’ve immersed myself in all types of technology, from Marconi ATM switches to all types of operating system and software administration. I currently have fallen in love with VMware products and work as a Systems Architect with a specialization in VMware vSphere 7 and NSX-T. More recently, I’ve gotten deep into the VMware Cloud Foundations product suite, as my work is mostly focused on the deployment and management of a multi-region private cloud.